Funeral Service Times: Resomation: the flame-free cremation that could be coming to the UK
Resomation is a flame-free method of cremation which uses water to break down a corpse in a method which is deemed to be more ‘natural’ and eco-friendly than burial or a flame cremation alternative. The UK government are considering introducing this method to Britain; Howard Pickard speaks to Shekina Tuahene about the process.
Resomation was developed by expert biochemist Sandy Sullivan who had an ambition to offer the public an environmentally friendly end of life alternative to burial and flame cremation. The method he developed was a flame-free cremation, which uses water to break down the body after death. This was named resomation. The Scotland-based company Resomation Ltd, was established in 2007 and from then the awareness for the process began as the organisation sought to see it introduced as a viable cremation option.
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