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Month: November 2022

Nederlands News (Dutch News)

Welkom op onze Nederlandse pagina voor Resomeren nieuws. Vincent, onze Nederlandse ambassadeur, is te bereiken via: Vincent van Leest Resomation Ambassadeur Tel: 06-52460706 E-mail: [email protected] Om uw steun aan Resomation te registreren, klikt u hier en vult u uw gegevens in. Resomatie op VTU beurs in Nederland Resomation is verheugd haar deelname aan de VTU Fair aan te kondigen,...

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Growing Enthusiasm for Resomation Around the World

September and October were extremely busy months for Resomation HQ as we participated in conferences and exhibitions around the world, from the USA to mainland Europe and the UK. Our Global Resomation Ambassadors drew audiences from the USA, Canada, Belgium, Norway, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and beyond! We started in Albuquerque, USA, at the Cremation Association...

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