2016 May Resomation visit to USA
In early May, Howard Pickard and Sandy Sullivan, the two directors of Resomation Ltd visited their three prestigious installations in the USA in a short triangular whistle stop tour covering around 12,000 miles (19,000km) in 6 days. Not much sleep but lots of excitement and planning for the future.
Firstly they visited Bradshaw’s Celebration of Life Center in Stillwater Minnesota then the David Geffen Medical Center in UCLA, Los Angeles and then to Anderson McQueen in St. Petersburg Florida before heading back to the UK .
The clear messages they came back with is that the public really want this new option. The second message was that our equipment is very reliable and when allied to support by our excellent service team, we have happy clients and an exciting future ahead of us in the USA. A winning formula and a main focus for our expansion to give the public what they clearly want.