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Month: May 2024

My perspectives on Resomation by Julian Atkinson, Director of Kindly Earth Limited

  My perspectives on Resomation By Julian Atkinson- Director, Kindly Earth Limited Across history, we see the diverse ways in which cultures revere the body in death and dispose of it in a manner which upholds tradition and reflects the life of the person and the belief system of the community. In the UK we have long-standing funeral methods similar to those of many other countries. Burial...

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Scottish government to consider proposals to regulate alkaline hydrolysis

We welcome the news that the Scottish government will consider proposals to regulate alkaline hydrolysis, following an overwhelmingly positive response to their public consultation. The consultation report revealed that 84% of respondents supported the prospect of Resomation being made available in Scotland. Dr Georgina Robinson (Durham University) analysed the consultation report for The Conversation...

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