Resomation introduce Kindly Earth Limited
Introducing Kindly Earth where, with funeral choices and traditions changing, we understand the desire for choice and want to share our relationship with Resomation. In order to create a different style of narrative to describe the Resomation option to the general public and to the funeral arrangers who meet the beareaved families, a different communication style was needed – honest, clear but kinder supporting the environmental innovation – free from technical terminology.
In 2020 the Kindly Earth concept and company was founded by two likeminded and successful business innovators. Julian Atkinson who successfully ran JC Atkinson a leading award winning coffin maker with over 30 years experience in the funeral trade and Howard Pickard whose 5th generation family owns the company which has developed the Resomation technology
Kindly Earth Limited is a company who created the Kindly ‘brand’ with expertise from leaders within the funeral trade, bereavement services, environmental and design sectors.
All with the sole aim of creating a less technical and more supportive dialogue and brand to help members of the public understand how Resomation / Alkali Hydrolysis can be considered in any funeral arrangement.
The first Kindly Earth facility is to open in the North East of England this year 2023, thereafter it is planned to open further facilities with Kindly Earth in partnership with existing crematoria and funeral directors.
Kindly Earth are committed to offer Resomation to people who are considering their funeral options and seeking ways to reduce their impact on the planet in death.
For more information on Kindly Earth, please click here.