Statement on behalf of Resomation in response to the recent news about introducing water cremation in the UK
“For some people, the news this weekend about plans to introduce water cremation in the UK may have been the first time they have heard about such an option. As a country, we sometimes shy away from conversations about the end of life, and indeed we make light of the issue to avoid having to discuss this as a serious topic.”
“It’s time to start a conversation about our end of life options, whether that be making your will or what kind of funeral you’d like. Burial space is becoming extremely limited with investigations showing that almost half of England’s cemeteries could run out of space within the next 20 years, and a quarter having no more room for burials within a decade. Alternatives such as flame cremation are not environmentally friendly and pollute the atmosphere with harmful mercury emissions.”
“For the first time in 100 years we have a new option through water cremation. It is already available in the USA and Canada, where it is helping the funeral industry minimise damage to the environment by reducing carbon emissions as well as offering an alternative to people who are becoming increasingly aware of their own environmental footprint, both in life and in death.”
“Water cremation has the potential to revolutionise the funeral industry and bring huge environmental benefits. In the UK, we are working with partners to explore the safest and most viable options of introducing this as a new end of life option. Public health and preserving our environment are our absolute priorities and we continue to explore all our options so that we can introduce this environmentally alternative to flame cremation and burial in the UK.”