Resomation Global Update
As the first month of 2023 has come to a close, we look forward to what is set to be a very exciting year ahead for all of the Resomation team working hard to bring this great process to our home countries. We have Ambassadors working across three continents, covering Australia, North America, Finland, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, and the UK. And it doesn’t stop there – our team is ever expanding as we continue to see increasing demand for the green, sustainable choice of Resomation throughout the world. We are expecting to see Resomation brought to the UK, Ireland, and possibly the Netherlands this year.
North America

Resomation is offered most widely in the United States of America with over 6000 dispositions now completed. Nicki Mikolai, USA Sales Manager, is working as hard as ever, assisting with public education and working with funeral directors across North America to make this sustainable choice a reality. Resomation is currently legal in 25 states in the USA – we are getting closer to the full 50 states having legalisation year by year, and month by month in some cases: 3 states passed legislation in 2022 and we expect more states to pass legislation in 2023. With alternative methods such as human composting also now legal in 6 states, the industry is responding to greener, more environmentally friendly alternative end of life choices.
In the UK, the first Resomation facility is expected to open in the North-East of England in Spring 2023. Working with Kindly Earth, the British public will soon be able to choose Resomation for the first time. The Law Commission of England and Wales have started work on the 2017 project exploring a Modern Framework for the Disposal of the Dead, which may formally create a framework for the new alternatives being offered alongside the current methods of disposal.
Just across the water, Ireland is very much in the race to become one of the first countries in Europe to offer Resomation to the public. Elizabeth Oakes has recently featured in Irish media announcing her plans to open her Pure Reflections facility in County Meath. Pure Reflections is due to open this year, offering Resomation services to all in partnership with local funeral directors – a very exciting time for Ireland.
The Netherlands

After being delayed due to the pandemic, 2024 is set to be the year that Resomation is finally legalised in the Netherlands. The Health Council of the Netherlands recommended that Resomation should be legalised in 2020. The Council concluded that Resomation fulfils the Health Council’s proposed conditions relating to safety, dignity, and sustainability, and so it should be added to the Corpse Disposal Act. Once the legislation has been approved, systems will be able to begin functioning. Through lobbying by Vincent van Leest, Netherlands Ambassador, there may also be a possibility to introduce Resomation prior to the issuing of the Act. Keep an eye on our Dutch news page for updates about further progress in the Netherlands.
In 2022, the Funeral Act was amended in Norway, and the new amendment allows the administrations to apply to the Ministry of Children- and Families for use of Resomation’s technology. This is an extremely progressive step forward for us, so we eagerly await the processing of such applications. Runar Frømyhr, Ambassador for Norway, recently exhibited at the NFKK Congress in Tampere – Resomation was very well received by attendees. Read more about Runar’s experience in our recent blog discussing Growing Enthusiasm for Resomation Around the World and keep an eye on our Norwegian news page for updates about further progress in Norway.

Resomation is legal in parts of Australia, but it is not yet legal across the whole of Australia. Resomation is explicitly legal in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Austeng, our Ambassadors in Australia, are working hard to establish the legal position of Resomation throughout the country. Working with Austeng, we hope that Resomation will soon be offered throughout the country. There is increasing interest for Resomation in Australia and funeral directors are eager to offer the option, as seen by the engagement with Resomation at the Redesigning Deathcare Conference in Melbourne in October last year.
New Zealand
In New Zealand, Debbie Richards of Water Cremation Aotearoa New Zealand is working hard to bring Resomation to the local community. With their site established in Christchurch, Debbie and her team are now just waiting for the green light from their local authority to enable them to begin offering Resomation. Water Cremation Aotearoa New Zealand have teamed up with a local funeral director so that they are ready to offer this sustainable choice as soon as approval from the local authority is granted.

Momentum is also building rapidly in Finland. Stephanie Sinclair-Lappi, Finland Ambassador, was recently interviewed by YLE about Resomation and her hopes to bring the choice to the Finnish people – this was a great educational opportunity, with images of Resomation technology included in the article. A Finnish carbon footprint study is also currently underway, which will show how Resomation compares with other methods of disposition. Keep an eye on our Finnish news page for updates about further progress in Finland.
What’s next?
With so much happening around the world, it is hard to predict which country will be the next to offer Resomation to their local people. We have seen a notable uplift in interest and acceptance of Resomation following Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s request for it at the end of his life over a year ago.
We appreciate that the introduction of a new form of disposition has to be thoroughly investigated, but given the number of requests we receive from the public, it is clear that many people now see this ‘green’ form of disposition to be consistent with the values they live by. If you agree, register your support by clicking here or better still with your local Resomation Ambassador where applicable.
2023 could be a game changer of a year – we look forward to seeing the current developments underway blossom, and supported by you, Resomation being offered in more places across the globe.